Allotment Land Purchase

As you may know the land on which the allotments currently sit in Coles Lane in Brinkley is looking to be sold by the current owners. This is an important and popular amenity in Brinkley and the parish council recognises the need to keep this facility for the community. 

The Parish council has been offered to purchase the land at a negotiated cost of £8000. There will also be a cost of £2500 for legal fees associated with the purchase which the Parish council will fund. 

Over the last few months the parish council has been looking at different ways in which we could fund the £8000 and we have been lucky enough to have a pledge from a resident which will cover half the cost. 

 In order to fund the other £4000 the Parish council will be applying for a loan from the Public Works Loan board. This will be repaid over 20 years at a cost of approximately £310 per year. In order to fund the repayments an increased plot fees of £35 pa, has been discussed and agreed with a representative of the current plot holders.


However, despite having historical letting figures as guidance and adding a margin for safety there is a chance that there could be an unexpected downturn in income on the plots. At this worst case, the Parish Council would first consider and discuss with the plot holders an increase in plot fees and at the last resort, use the Parish Council reserves to cover the shortfall. In no case would the precept be increased, nor would the loan repayments be at risk.

 We welcome any feedback on these proposals, please email the clerk at or contact any of the councillors (details on councillors page on website). All are welcome to attend parish council meetings at which the matter will be discussed